Saturday, June 6, 2015

Preventic Tick Collar Considerations for Every Pet Owner

So you have found a few fleas and ticks on your pet cat or dogs. What does this mean? For most

pet-owners this means that parasite and disease-carrying fleas are inside your home and you need

to get rid of them, fast. One option you might want to consider is the Preventic Tick Collar that is

conveniently available for both cats and dogs.

Preventic Tick Collar Activation

To use the Preventic Tick Collar, you need to activate it. As a general rule, a Preventic Tick

Collar is used for protecting your pet from fleas and ticks. To use it, the first thing you need to do

is to pull the flea collar which will loosen and release chemicals in powder form.

Snug Fit
The tick and flea collar should be fastened to the neck of the animal. Mae sure there is a snug fit

by making a few adjustments. Naturally, also make sure that it is not too tight since this might

apply too much pressure around the neck of your pet.

Ticks and Fleas

When a flea or a tick jumps on your pet, it crawls through the hair to bite the skin. With the

chemicals that are within the fur, it gets into contact and eventually dies. This is not unlike the

way insect or bug spray kills household pets.

Anti-Flea and Tick Chemicals Released
The way the Preventic Tick Collar Works is that it brushes up against the neck of your pet cat or

dog and chemicals are released to the skin and fur. Within the hairs of your pet, chemicals are

distributed and lie within. As long as your pet wears the collar, there is a continuous release for

months. Periodically, a fresh Preventic Tick Collar should be applied for protection to be



Preventic Tick Collar is more than effective in the control of ticks and fleas in your pet. This is

especially a good idea when you have more than one pet living in your home. Getting a flea

collar such as this one by Preventic may be the perfect solution for a flea-free household.

You can buy Preventic tick collars at leading only stores like

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